Especialidad:  Ciencias de la Enfermería de Cuidados Críticos
País: South Africa

Is an associate professor in Critical Care Nursing Science for the past 24 years at the University of Pretoria, South Africa. I have supervised to completion 40 Master’s degree students and 7 PhD`s. Publications: 32 published peer reviewed articles in national and international journals.  External examiner for 11 Universities national and internationally. Since 2011 I have presented 45 oral presentations at national and/or international conferences. Awards and recognition in the field of Critical care: I received the Critical Care Society of South Africa`s Presidents` Nursing Award for outstanding contribution to Critical Care over the past 20 years. I received a Certification of Appreciation from the President of the World Critical Care Federation for the activities of the South African Critical Care Society. I was inaugurated as a fellow of the Academy of Nursing in South Africa (FANSA) for my contribution to Critical Care Nursing in South Africa